Clean Electricity Regulations or is it Conflicted Error (prone) Revelations Part 1

Back on August 10, 2023 Steven Guilbeault was at his excitable best announcing he was going to infiltrate Provincial Authority by creating a myriad of “Clean Electricity Regulations” to achieve that elusive “net-zero” target for all of Canada’s electricity grids in every province.

The press release carried the following statement in respect to the “regulations”: “As drafted, they would cut over 340 megatonnes of greenhouse gas pollution between 2024 and 2050.“ What the foregoing suggests is that over the 26-year period, GHG emissions would decline by an average of 13 megatonnes annually. To put a context on that it should be noted Canada’s annual GHG emissions in 2021 were 670 megatonnes so the “regulations” will aim for a 1.9% annual reduction, so the question then becomes; at what cost?

Should one venture over to the “Clean Electricity Regulations” page on the Government of Canada’s website one will find the full range of “disinformation” being peddled by Minister Guilbeault and from whom he claims to have obtained it! Amongst other issues the page notes: “According to modelling by independent experts from Clean Energy Canada and Navius Research, clean energy jobs are estimated to grow to 2.68 million by 2050.“  

Prior research about those two entities, in the above quote, disclosed Clean Energy Canada lies within the confines of Simon Fraser University and Navius Research is an outgrowth of SFU. Surely, it’s a coincidence Jotham Peters, Managing Partner at Navius Research is also an Adjunct Professor at SFU! 

Clean Energy Canada in their “About” page clearly state: “Clean Energy Canada works to accelerate Canada’s clean energy transition by sharing the story of the global shift to renewable energy, clean technology, and sustainable industries.“ That statement alone signals the model he anticipated receiving was exactly what he wanted and expected!

The above should bring up the question, if the “modelling by independent experts”is exactly what Minister Guilbeault anticipated receiving from them why even bother to obtain it? Was the sole purpose to allow him to continue his push knowing those “independent experts” were fully on his side?

To make the question of “independent” even more conflicted is the fact Navius Research received a federal government grant of $360,000 less then two months after Guilbeault was appointed as the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change.

A further announcement by Natural Resources Minister, Jonathan Wilkinson, on June 13, 2023 indicates he handed our tax dollars out to three entities to “map out the pathways to achieve net-zero”. One of those was Navius Research along with Institut de l’énergie Trottier at Polytechnique Montréal and The Pembina Institute!  Coincidentally Navius were handed another $360,000!

While Minister Guilbeault and Minister Wilkinson were handing out grants, other arms of the Federal government were also busy as the SFU CRA Charities filing for their year ended March 31, 2022, indicates they received over $66 million from the Federal Government.  We should assume some of those funds went to support the push for net-zero as an article from early 2021 stated “Simon Fraser University will be the home of the Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) Innovation Centre, one of seven such centres across the country.“  The article went on noting, “The centre is being funded through a $22 million endowment from the federal government; the money will be used to fund low-carbon solutions.“ There were others such as one from November 7, 2022 where: Minister Sajjan and local MP Terry Beech “also announced $2,046,760 in funding for 4D LABS to support the late-stage testing and demonstration of innovative clean technologies through the establishment of the Centre for Environmental and Food Analysis (CEFA).“ We should be confident there were many other Federal Government funding announcements associated with “climate change” and the “clean energy transition” that wound up in the hands of the eco-warriors at SFU!

 Presumably the reader will understand the taxpayer dollars delivered to the “independent experts” at SFU and Navius Research resulted in supporting Minister Guilbeault and others in the Trudeau governing party pushing the “net-zero” narrative! The costs to us taxpayers and ratepayers will be immense!

We taxpayers should hope; The Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner finds time to examine the obvious conflicts exhibited by Minister Steven Guilbeault in his claims those two entities he cites are truly “independent experts” who produced the reports he references! At the same time perhaps the commissioner could also use the term “disinformation” to describe the fiction Guilbeault continues to emit!


Had Minister Guilbeault engaged the Fraser Institute or the Montreal Economic Institute for the reports we should be confident he would be shouting from the top of the CN Tower they are not the “independent experts” he wanted!   

Author: parkergallantenergyperspectivesblog

Retired international banker.

5 thoughts on “Clean Electricity Regulations or is it Conflicted Error (prone) Revelations Part 1”

  1. There is a lot of our money available to research a science that is, we’re told, settled.

    But seriously, these Liberals who are always going on about disinformation and misinformation (doubt most know difference), are apparently the biggest purveyors of both.

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