Fossil Fuels are Needed to Create and Charge EV Batteries—Who Knew?

The foregoing question is one “climate change” green advocates totally ignore when pushing their agenda to eliminate fossil fuel use in the developed countries around the world. 

The fascinating issue surrounding the above is: eco-warriors insist we convert our ICE (internal combustion engines) cars, trucks, buses, etc. etc. to battery powered ones while eliminating any and all fossil fuel electricity generation from our electricity grids. Those “electricity grids” however, are expected to generate sufficient power to charge those batteries powering those ICE while also providing electricity to heat and cool our homes, supply our businesses, etc. etc. Batteries will also be used for electricity storage.  As one would expect, the forecast demand for increased electricity generation is astronomical as is the projected cost and reliability of both our generation sources and grids resulting from the push.

Those pushing the use of batteries also seem to ignore the fact China currently has 60.4% of the world’s battery market share.

Eco-warriors Push Wind and Solar Generation to Eliminate Fossil Fuel Use

Needless to say, those committed to the advocacy that fossil fuel use and carbon emissions must be eliminated to “save the planet” push wind and solar generation as the panacea. They continue to suggest it is the “cheap” and best alternative but here in Ontario where we have 4,940 MW of grid connected IWT (industrial wind turbines) they don’t bother to notice when we experience their failure.

Industrial Wind Turbines Demonstrate their Failure

The past three days are examples of their failure!  For the full 24 hours on September 29th those 4,940 MW of IWT managed to only generate 5,583 MWh or 4.7% of their capacity and on the 30th their total generation was a miserly 2,780 MWh or 2.3% of their capacity and finally on October 1st they reached total generation of 3,279 MWh or 2,7% of their capacity. During the peak hour of each of those days they respectively delivered, 1.4%, 0.9% and 1.8% yet their capacity represents 13% of grid connected capacity according to IESO, Ontario’s grid operator.  Needless to say, the gas plants ramped up and down over those three days to produce the electricity needed to keep our lights on while those IWT were failing!

The Toronto Star’s Fiction Writer

It was amusing that while those IWT with their “first-to-the-grid” rights were failing to deliver needed power on those three relatively low demand days the TorStar’s top “fiction writer”, Marco Chown Oved penned a lengthy article titled: “Ontario gas plants were supposed to run only during peak periods. Instead they’re running most of the time, polluting the air you breathe“.  Needless to say, he managed to get quotes from representatives of those entities and individuals pushing the “net-zero” objectives and used one-sided information from the IEA, IPCC, and the CER (Canada Energy Regulator) to make the case. 

Former Mayor of Toronto, David Miller was included with comments as was a current Toronto Councilor, Paula Fletcher along with Peter Tabuns, energy critic for the Ontario NDP and Ontario Green Party leader Mike Schreiner! The article bashes the fact natural gas “peaking plants” were needed to operate. Quotes from the prejudiced groups included Greenpeace and Environmental Defence and supported the full theme of the “investigation” alluded to by the author. The theme suggested those gas plants were operating when they weren’t needed and went on to claim renewable energy such as wind and solar were cheap and could be coupled with battery storage.  The author of the article obviously failed to do a real “investigation” which would have disclosed, without a doubt, the inability of those IWT to generate power necessary to avoid blackouts in the province and the fact they are paid at rates well above all other sources of generation.

The article also fails to note how Ontario taxpayers are burdened with $6.5 billion dollars annually, simply to absorb some of the costs of our existing wind and solar generation. 

It is disgusting to realize an article such as this along with the individuals cited to push the theme, are using our tax dollars that will crater our economy while it creates further energy poverty!

Battery Manufacturing Uses Fossil Fuels

Kansas First

 There currently appears to be a move in the developed world countries to try and capture some of that 60.4% of battery manufacturing that China has, and the politicians are doing that utilizing our tax dollars.

The fascinating issue about that is some of those attempts are leading to more demand for fossil fuel generation as noted in a recent article out of Kansas.  Panasonic is building a US$4 billion battery plant in De Sota, Kansas and is also slated to receive US$6.8 billion from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. Panasonic needs reliable power so that has resulted in an extension in the life of a coal-fired power plant in Kansas.

Ontario Second

The article mentions Capital Power’s natural gas fired generating plant in Windsor. That plant will need to burn a lot of natural gas to ensure the Stellantis EV battery plant in Windsor has reliable electricity  available 24/7, 365 days a year that wind turbines and solar panels cannot provide.  The reliable, non-intermittent, electricity to the EV battery plant will also be supplied by Atura’s (OPG’s) Brighton Beach gas fired generating station in Windsor. The EV battery plant will also use natural gas for space heating, water heating and battery production processes.

Enbridge filed an application to the OEB for approval of a $358 million pipeline required to supply the gas plants and the Stellantis EV battery plant. The pipeline is uneconomic because Stellantis, Atura, and Capital Power have refused to pay a contribution that would cover the full cost of providing them with gas service.  Therefore, the pipeline, if approved by the OEB, will require a subsidy from gas ratepayers for more than 40 years. 

Federal and Provincial governments have already promised $15 billion in subsidies to Stellantis but that’s not enough. Stellantis also wants subsidies from gas ratepayers. You can read all about it on the OEB website under the docket EB-2022-0157 “Panhandle Regional Expansion Project”. The hearings will be available live on You Tube.

 Now, “isn’t that ironic” as Canadian singer Alanis Morrisette might say about the above!


It is obvious the “energy transition” will require lots of subsidies from taxpayers and ratepayers, and apparently lots of natural gas. It’s seem weird those “investigate” reported at the Toronto Star fail to recognize those basic facts!

Author: parkergallantenergyperspectivesblog

Retired international banker.

6 thoughts on “Fossil Fuels are Needed to Create and Charge EV Batteries—Who Knew?”

  1. The climate bedwetters ignore the facts and contradictions in their demand to end fossil fuels because it has never been about climate change. That is just the excuse, the distraction, the Trojan Horse. It is, and always has been, about control. Those who control your energy, controls you.

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